Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vader Plans Nepal Tour to headline Silence Festival 2011

Official Vader Myspace wrote "We also plan gigs in Japan, Asia and Nepal in SeptVader Nepal Tour summer Campaign Silence Festival 2011ember".Vader will perform in Nepal as a part of summer campaign for Silence Festival 2011.I am grateful to Silence Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. for inviting Vader in Nepal.I used to listen Vader when I was into death metal at beginning. Venue for this concert probably will be at Jawalakhel Ground.October 15 will be the day Vader playing for Nepal.Band from our Local Scene will be sharing same stage with Vader.Till Now most Probable Nepali Metal/Underground Bands are Black Metal Band Antim Grahan and Death Metal band Hatebook.

Vader is a Polish death metal band from Olsztyn, formed in 1983. According to Piotr Wiwczarek, the band's founding singer and guitar player, the band's name was inspired by Darth Vader from the Star Wars film series. Lyrical themes include stories by H. P. Lovecraft. According to Billboard magazine, from 2003 Vader sold over 500,000 releases around the world.

[From wikipedia]

Details of This festival will post soon . Be with us.

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For More Band Info:

Vader Myspace

Vader Wikipedia

Vader Official Site

[ For Your Information Please Check Silence Festival 2010 Videos and Performing Bands here]

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