Friday, July 15, 2011

ktmROCKS working on 9th issue of E-mag (drummer special)

ktmROCKS Father of Nepali Underground SCENE is currently working on 9th version of its E-mag.This issue is very much special for people who love drumming.Tons of information will be there for you drum lovers.In this issue ktmROCKS will be covektmrocks logoring bands from India,Bangladesh and other few countries also. Till now Bidroha,Narsamhaar,Dark Guree Amort and Undefined Human are fixed bands to be featured from our Local SCENE. Sinister Violence from Darjeeling also will be featured in this issue. The another best part you will love this e-mag is you can go through interviews (more than 10) drummers .
More stuffs are on the way for this issue. Stay with us for more updates.

Thanks a lot umes Dai for giving me info.

Go through ktmROCKS E-mag Issue 08.


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