Saturday, July 30, 2011

Opeth New album Heritage demo track download

Opeth  new album Heritage  2011Opeth,pioneer of  progressive metal has release the date for their upcoming new album Heritage. The schedule for releasing Heritage is on 20 th september 2011. Heritage is the 10 th full length studio album of opeth .Album will be released by .This album will contain 10 tracks.

Mikael Åkerfeldt released statement on Heritage ""It will be our 10th album/observation. I dig it; we all do. In fact, it feels like I've been building up to write for and participate on an album like this since I was 19."

I have uploaded a track from Heritage entitled "The Devil’s Orchard".Have a taste from their upcoming album. This is an awesome track. Yet we cannot rate this album without listening  other tracks . Also the track listing for Heritage are :

01 “Heritage”
02 “The Devil’s Orchard”
03 “I Feel the Dark”
04 “Slither”
05 “Nepenthe”
06 “Haxprocess”
07 “Famine”
08 “The Lines in My Hand”
09 “Folklore”
10 “Marrow of the Earth”


Download The Devil's Orchard


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Binaash - Interview by Planet Music Academy

Here is the interview of  Death Metal Band Binaash, taken by Planet Music Academy. Guitarist Prateek and Vocalist Prabin talks about the band , about their upcoming album , history of band etc. The video is uploaded to Youtube , you can have look to it. This will help you know the band and get familiar with it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vader Preparing to release new album Welcome To The Morbid Reich 2011

Vader is preparing to release their latest album "Welcome To The Morbid Reich".WithPeter Vader death metal band the reference from their Blog ,Vader will release in August 12,2011 in Europe and  September 13 in North America.For promoting they have currently uploaded a trailer in youtube. This album will be their 9th Full studio album.Currently Peter of Vader is working on recordings and cover art for "Welcome To The Morbid Reich".

Track Listing :


"Ultima Thule"

"Return To The Morbid Reich"

"The Black Eye"

"Come And See My Sacrifice"

"Only Hell Knows"

"I Am Who Feasts Upon Your Soul"

"Don't Rip The Beast's Heart Out"

"I Had A Dream?"

"Lord Of Thorns"

"Decapitated Saints"

"They Are Coming"

"Black Velvet And Skulls Of Steel"


Bonus Tracks:

"Raping The Earth"

"Troops Of Tomorrow"
(Source:facebook and youtube)
This year Vader is Coming to Nepal heading Silence Fest 2011.Click Here for More info.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Final Line up for Silence Festival II 2011

Silence Entertainment Pvt. Ltd Officially announced final bands line-up for this year Silence Festival.This is second time silence organizing concert in nepali underground SCENE. Here are the bands line-up for Silence Festival 2011.Last Year it was big success. silence festival 2011 nepal

Under Side- NEPAL
UNDYING INC.- INDIA(not playing)

Ticket price :
Early : Rs. 400/-
At Venue : Rs. 500/-
Tickets will be available at TONE music Store, Tangal soon.
Location : Jawalakhel Football Ground, Kathmandu, Nepal

More about Vader in Silence Fest.

Pic Credit: Silence Facebook.

Silence Fest 2011

Drumming Techniques and Workshop Videos

Drum workshop videosSome days ago we posted news about ktmROCKS' upcoming drummer special E-Mag , which will be specially focused for drummers. In this post , we have decided to put up some videos of drumming techniques which we think will be useful for drummers out there . This collection contain techniques and workshops from brutal death metal to Gravity Blast to Jazz .

Friday, July 15, 2011

ktmROCKS working on 9th issue of E-mag (drummer special)

ktmROCKS Father of Nepali Underground SCENE is currently working on 9th version of its E-mag.This issue is very much special for people who love drumming.Tons of information will be there for you drum lovers.In this issue ktmROCKS will be covektmrocks logoring bands from India,Bangladesh and other few countries also. Till now Bidroha,Narsamhaar,Dark Guree Amort and Undefined Human are fixed bands to be featured from our Local SCENE. Sinister Violence from Darjeeling also will be featured in this issue. The another best part you will love this e-mag is you can go through interviews (more than 10) drummers .
More stuffs are on the way for this issue. Stay with us for more updates.

Thanks a lot umes Dai for giving me info.

Go through ktmROCKS E-mag Issue 08.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bidroha released self-titled single Bidroha with Lyrics

Bidroha after six month came with new self titled track Bidroha. Previoulsy they released ADHIPATYA HO DANAV KO (also included in ktmROCKS compilation). I downloaded this track from Bidroha Facebook. This is their third original song .

Lyrics of this track goes here:

Ma aja satya bolchu

Ragat pilai uslai bachairachu

Mero byathanai kalankit samaj

Ajai kati sahane deshdrohi ko raj?

Aaja ma biswas ko bato ma ekali hiddaichu

K dinchau ra malai yesma sath

Kati andhakar ko dokha ma rakhchau

Kati atyacharma dubaunchau

Malai ni ta bachna deu

K ma timiharu ko kathaputala hu?

Krodhit mero kabaj todis

Maile k chahanchu kahele sodhi...

Download Link:

Other originals of Bidroha here.

Brutal Fest Gig Review

Brutal Fest was organized by Brutal Pokhara on July 02 Saturday.

Day I

Google gave me the meaning of “brutal” as “extremely ruthless or cruel”. And, it became exactly the intolerable brutal for me during my tour to Brutal Pokhara - Brotherhood of Mayhem gig on 2nd of July, Saturday. We headed to Pokhara at around 12 P.M. from Kathmandu by 17 seated MicroBus. We were stuck at AbhuKhairani at around 4 P.M. because of brutal landslide. But our team did not lose hope to attend that gig. Around 12 AM midnight, the road blockage was cleared and then we resumed our trip. We reached at Prithivi Chowk at 2:45 am ( 3rd of July). By the help of taxi we luckily reached our hotel at 3.15 a.m. and we slept.

Day II

This day was Brutal Fest. We were very much excited to slake our brutal thirst for metal. We entered the venue Thakali Samaj Ghar at 2 P.M. The location was pretty cool, sunlight was banned in venue. I could not see enough sound system as we normally see in even small gigs in Ktm.

I was unfamiliar with most of the bands playing in Brutal Fest except Hatebook. Right from the start of gig, I was very unsatisfied. Some three bands (I could not remember the band names except Dark Murder Scheme) spent more than 1.30 hrs on checking sound system. It was already past 3 PM, even though the gig was supposed to start after 12 PM. On the stage, these bands came and went off after checking their sound – and it was like a boring child game for us. I had never seen those type of sound system checking till now.

Finally, the gig was kicked off by Pokhara’s Dark Guree Amort. This band was in compilation of Brutal Pokhara. They just roughly tried the sound and started playing. They started the show by covering legendry band Slayer's South of Heaven. Fuck the noise produced. I could not distinguish vocal and lead but it was just drum eating the whole sound and other noise from guitar feedback. Yet, the band did not try to adjust the noises before playing another track which was also Slayer cover.

Then 2-3 bands came and played but all were like the same for me. I did not even notice the Brutal Fest Narsamhaarband's name. Almost all bands played cover songs of Slipknot, Lamb of God, Pantera and so on. No one gave fuck to sound but I could see their face charming for playing. Next it was Narsamhaar on the stage. This was the only tight band from Pokhara. They did three originals and one cover along from Brutal Compilation. Vocal was strong part of Narsamhaar. They left stage after covering Born to Be Wild. Then it was Hatebook on stage.. Hatebook is a rising death metal band from Kathmandu. I am a big fan of Hatebook esp Navin's growling. But Pokhara became unlucky for Hatebook. They did only three tracks and left the stage because of sound problem. They were talented but it was organizer who did not manage good sound system and other crucial part to make a gig like gig. After Hatebook, I left the show and don’t know what happened after that.

Overall, for me it was not like gig. It seemed to me that multiple bands were practicing on same hall. The venue was good , audience were satisfactory but the sound system was fucked up. Plus I noticed that most of the people in the crowd loved covered songs, as they were yelling for Lamb of God cover most of the times. There were only few metal freaks to listen to the band’s originals. Most of bands did cover and few bands Narsamhaar and Hatebook did original in Brutal Fest.

I am very much disappointed with Brutal Pokhara for organizing such a low quality gig.I had a lot of expectation from the gig, especially because of the way it was promoted in Facebook.

Suggestion for Brutal Pokhara for another Gig.
Hire good quality sound system.
Represent few bands rather than many bands.
Do some homework for Gig also as in Promotion.

[Picture Credit: Narsamhaar Facebook]

[Note: I do not belong to any groups/bands.This is my own Personal View of gig.]

Vader Plans Nepal Tour to headline Silence Festival 2011

Official Vader Myspace wrote "We also plan gigs in Japan, Asia and Nepal in SeptVader Nepal Tour summer Campaign Silence Festival 2011ember".Vader will perform in Nepal as a part of summer campaign for Silence Festival 2011.I am grateful to Silence Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. for inviting Vader in Nepal.I used to listen Vader when I was into death metal at beginning. Venue for this concert probably will be at Jawalakhel Ground.October 15 will be the day Vader playing for Nepal.Band from our Local Scene will be sharing same stage with Vader.Till Now most Probable Nepali Metal/Underground Bands are Black Metal Band Antim Grahan and Death Metal band Hatebook.

Vader is a Polish death metal band from Olsztyn, formed in 1983. According to Piotr Wiwczarek, the band's founding singer and guitar player, the band's name was inspired by Darth Vader from the Star Wars film series. Lyrical themes include stories by H. P. Lovecraft. According to Billboard magazine, from 2003 Vader sold over 500,000 releases around the world.

[From wikipedia]

Details of This festival will post soon . Be with us.

Join Silence Festival

For More Band Info:

Vader Myspace

Vader Wikipedia

Vader Official Site

[ For Your Information Please Check Silence Festival 2010 Videos and Performing Bands here]

ktmROCKS Preparing Black Tour for Pokhara,Dharan and Kathmandu

ktmrocks Black TourktmROCKS is back into Underground SCENE of Nepal with the concept of Black Tour.It was specially designed for Metal Freak for Pokhara and Dharan.Focuses to include Black Metal Band .I guess this is the first tour of ktmROCKS in Dharan.

Pokhara : before Dashain
Dharan: in between Dashain and Tihar
Kathmandu: after Tihar

Dates and Venue will be confirmed shortly.

For details Facebook Event.

we will be updating details of Black Tour regularly.



Nepfest II ICMC on this September

Nepfest I was huge success.Foundation Nepal once again organizing second version of Nepfest Inter College Music Competition(ICMC).For this year organizer has released notice that it is not compulsory for  band to be involved from college.So Every Band can participate in this ICMC.Brief Information on this ICMC.

Nepfest ii september ICMCRegistration Fee: Rs.5000 (For Kathmandu Bands)
Registration Fee Rs.3500(Out of Kathmandu )
Free Registration for Girls band.
Form : Available at Foundation Nepal, Sanepa.


Winner:Cash Prize  Rs.50,000 ,  signed by KTM Rocks record label, and one of their original song will be recorded by REC Records.

1st runner-up: Cash Prize Rs.20,000

For more info:
Contact : 015541322, 9841721736 , 9841277757

IV Perfect Dehumanization Gig

Iv Perfect DehumanizationAnother underground Gig for this year 2011.Its IV Perfect Dehumanization.Details will be posted soon. Few Info for this gig can be found here.

Performing Bands:
Lost Oblivion
Define Mental
Kaal Bhairab
BSI(Black Sins Immortal)

Date:August 27

For More details Click Here to follow Facebook Event

Metal Suffocation Gig

Metal Suffocation gig version 4 th is scheduled for july 16 2011.

Details of this gig are :metal suffocation Nepali underground concert

Guest Bands:
"Incipit Satanz"

Performing Bands:
"Breaking Daylight"
"And We Came"
"Mushroom Cloud"

Saturday,16 July @ House of Music
Thamel, KTM
1pm onwards
Ticket price - Rs 150

For further more detail contact:
Suman - 9841558087
Sangeet - 9849223611

To get Latest update about this gig Join Facebook Event .