Thursday, September 8, 2011

Interview : GOTHICA

Gothica Deification of the Saboteur EP

Gothica is a metal band thrashing the underground scene of Kathmandu for quite some years now. After the release of their debut single “Mortal Warriors Die” in late 2008/2009, they’ve come up with their first EP titled “Deification of the Saboteur”. We talk with the band about the album and other things. The interview:

NU: Hi there. Thank you for taking some time for this interview. You guys have recently released your first EP, "Deification of the Saboteur". How have been the responses so far?

Gothica: The response so far has been good. Well, the album has not been widely distributed so we've received very few feedbacks but nevertheless with good tags on it.

NU: How was the whole recording experience? In which studio had you guys recorded the EP?

Gothica: The album was recorded at PHOENIX studio. The entire experience has been tedious and frustrating due to the load shedding problem; but that apart, everything else has been just so awesome. We got to learn quite a few new things. Experimenting was fun and of course the studio people were just too awesome – very patient and creative. Sadly we will miss our trip to the studio.

NU: Was the album self-produced?

Gothica: Yes. We had a deal with Rock Fever to sponsor the album but midst of recording the second song, they wanted us to throw our drummer (due to personal reasons), which we could not and the deal was off. So we decided to do it on our own.

NU: How can we get our hands on the EP?

Gothica: Well it’s not distributed widely. In fact, it’s not distributed at all. But it’s going to be downloadable via our Facebook page itself:

NU: Could you describe the concept behind the album title "Deification of the Saboteur", which we had been hearing as the title of the gigs organized by you guys. And what are the overall lyrical themes of Gothica?

Gothica: DEIFICATION is to worship as a deity or a god and SABOTEUR is someone who sabotages. So the album and the songs are based on the political scenario following the many rebellion acts during the past decade who destroyed homes, ruined families, took lives, de-structured what our forefathers constructed with sweat and blood and god knows what not. And sadly those beasts are now deificated and worshipped as they are the ones in ruling power.

There is a line in the song:

“Like an abomination they came across through the darkened land. Will their planted seeds wrong the deeds that our predecessors rightfully paved with just to make it and they break they take they make it pale time will tell tale will tell of the sins they committed and yet they were deificated”

The overall theme has always been political. The lyrics however are not literal. It has hidden meanings to it, look deep into it and you will get our message.

NU: I had read that your lyrics also contain political touch, particularly in the song "Cyborg Cataclysm". Now isn't it strange for a gothic/black metal band singing on political issues?

Gothica: Yes just like all other songs, Cyborg… is written on the tragic event: The Narayanhiti Massacre. The lyrics here include the general public's perspective on what exactly happened there. And about our genre: though when we started the band, we actually planned it to be a GOHTIC/SYMPHONIC metal band but down the line we kept experimenting with our songs and we cannot be called as a gothic or black metal or a symphonic band. Why limit a band to a certain genre when we can keep experimenting and create good music? We are just a metal band and I believe we have the full right to write on political issues.

NU: So do you prefer singing on fictional or real life subjects? Which one do you think provides a stronger meaning to music?

Gothica: Of course on real concrete facts but we like to keep the lyrics like a walnut. You need to crack through it to get to the fruit.

NU: We could see a significant influence of Cradle of Filth in your music. What else bands have influenced you guys?

Gothica: Yeah, Besides CoF, Nightwish, Iron maiden, The faceless, Necrophagist, Death, The Black Dahlia Murder, Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom are some of our other key influences.

NU: And we've heard that Gothica is going in hiatus for now?

Gothica: Yes, as three of our members have headed abroad, it will not be before a year that we will be hitting the stage.

NU: The last gig you played was with Kalodin and Unholy Sickdom in Hotel View Bhrikuti, Godavari, a strange location to say. How was the closure gig?

Gothica: The Godavari gig was well… very very unconventional to say the least. It was a very new and weird experience. You know, a gig with awesome carpeting where you could stage dive and not feel a bump, haha. It was an enclosed rooftop venue and a very… well, don’t have the word for it. It was just awesome and it was our last gig (for now) and also our first ever where we did 9 songs in a row.

NU: There have been a HUGE number of line-up changes in the band in past, isn't it?

Gothica: Yes all total there has been 20 members approx who have joined the band. There are members who joined the band, jammed with us but left before even playing gig. So we are a platoon when all of us reunite, haha.

NU: So do you think you'll be reforming anytime in the future?

Gothica: Yes, after one year.

NU: And recording more stuff?

Gothica: I cannot say anything about recording more stuff but we surely are hopeful to.

NU: Alright. Any final words to wrap up the interview?

Gothica: STAY METAL \m/ Amen!



[ Interviewed by Samyam Shrestha for NU ]

[Pic Credit: ktmROCKS ]

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