Friday, June 17, 2011

Third World Chaos Demo "Inferno" album download

Third World Chaos nepali bandThird world Chaos is hardcore metal formed in 2001 with five members.Parash on vocals Aditya and suvas on guitars,prabin for bass and Pramod on drums.Inferno is their first demo album which was released during 2003.Inferno includes four songs.Rant and Rave and Grave in the sky is standout tracks from their demo.Third world Chaos is inactive now.During their Period they perfomed in many gigs including Ides of March and other gigs organised by ktmROCKS.

Another thing about Third world Chaos is that Vocal sounds quite similar to E.quals 's Vocalist Avishek K.C.

Whatever Inferno is nice workout by Third world Chaos in our Underground SCENE.

Other Hardcore band click Here.

Download Inferno Here.