Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Antim Grahan Live Videos From ktmROCKS Ides Of March VI

Antim Grahan ,oldest existing band in underground SCENE in Nepal was different in this gig than before.Few Months ago Antim Grahan published poster better we can call as Bloody Poster . In that poster Antim Grahan body was made bloody with fake blood made by mixing red ink and other raws.This Ides of March VI ,Antim Grahan stood up in the stage in the same way like in the poster.This gig was more Brutal than ever.The main exciting part of Antim Grahan in this gig is the "PIG HEAD". They started the show by placing PIG HEAD infront of the Stage and made the audience took the photograh.Yudir Gautam,one of the Guitarist was not present in this gig.Parash Shakya started performance from the title Sanctuary of Eternal Black Hearts. Audience started becoming more brutal from the track' Forever Winter.Other tracks performed are Infected, I lucifer,and Hallowed Be Thy Name(Iron Maiden Cover). Antim Grahan ended the ktmROCKS 10th year Aniversarry Gig "Ides Of March VI".antim grahan ides of march 2011


Antim Grahan's Pig Head(Sungur Ko Tauko)  Bu ha ha ha


Antim Grahan Infected at ktmROCKS Ides of March VI


Antim Grahan Forever Winter at ktmROCKS Ides of March VI


Antim Grahan I,Lucifer at ktmROCKS Ides of March VI


Antim Grahan Sanctuary of Eternal Black Hearts


Antim Grahan Pashu Samrajya


Antim Grahan Hallowed Be Thy Name(Cover)

1 comment:

  1. Why the pig head??? Trying to do as Gorgoroth did??? Come up with your own ideas shit heads...But anyways, salute for keeping Nepalese Black Metal alive. Too many death metal and punks in Kathmandu as it is.
