Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Unholy Menace - Phantasmic Cohersion


Genre : Death Metal
Phantasmic Coercion mp3

Phantasmic Coercion

As the evigore heightened beneath
down my throat, under kindred scars
the ravaged evil belched out
when the azure skies had swooned above.
Wan toned as the power pertained me
finally when the stellars descended
pain and misery rose up once again
as a warlock got enthroned.

tormental cynics,
cataractic depressions...
as she had to lead
a groaning silent sleep.
My mother as she was killed
in a phantasmic coercion.

The last forgo as she was
I ripped her out slow...

When the known the unknown
carved an initiation inside,
a black solemn presided
as my sacrileged thoughts convulsed.
Wan toned as the power pertained me
finally when the stellars descended,
pain and misery rose up once again
as a warlock got enthroned.

The gore had just begun
as i ablated with hatred...

Matricidal lunacy covered up in ecstasy
as the gore presided
her soaked body putrefied


Vaginal blood flow,
intestinal morsels
smashed cranium
annihilated limbs....
My mother as she was killed
in a phantasmic coercion...

The last forgo as she was
I ripped her out slow...

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